Friday, February 3, 2012

mmmmm... nutella creamcheese brownies...

they were even more delicious than they sound.


bet you'll never guess where i got the idea...  ok ok, you totally will.  found on pinterest!

{check out this gem HERE}

i started with my favorite brownie recipe.  easy as can be.  perfect every time.  & then i used homemade nutella!!

homemade nutella = fan.freakin.tastic.

instead of the major ingredients being palm oil & sugar {seriously, go look at that jar of nutella in your pantry}, the ingredients are {in weight order}: milk, chocolate, hazelnuts, a bit of honey, & a pinch of salt.

it is so good i want to eat it by the spoonful, which i might do this morning.  it only has a fridge life of a week, so i better not let it go bad.

happy friday to me.  & happy friday to you!

love love,

1 comment:

  1. Happy Friday to me if I was in Birmy and could stop by Urban!! Yum.

    (then again, thanks for living far away. it makes it much easier for me to keep up my svelte physique. haha.)
