Wednesday, November 9, 2011

a little kj.

sometimes a long day calls for a great glass of wine!

& kj, to me, is a great glass of wine.  my favorite, as you probably know, is kj's vinter's reserve chardonnay.  but i thought i should try the syrah for a wintery beverage. 

it is quite good too.  no chard, but very good.

by the way, i'm pretty sure i was named after kj.  kendall-jackson...kendall jordan.  coincidence?  i think not. 

but my parents would never admit to that :)

love love,


  1. yesss. . . the really classy wine jug. I love it.

  2. yes!!!! i did that just for you.

    & then forgot to mention it in the blog post. really classy wine jug = the best.

  3. I love chardonnay but have never had that one! Will have to try is ASAP! :)
