Monday, August 18, 2014

week 30: namaste, yoga.

with 30 weeks down & 10ish more to go, prenatal yoga has become my best friend.  i wasn't super into yoga before being pregnant, but it is now one of the highlights of my week.  as it turns out, it's not exactly comfortable growing a human inside of you, carrying extra weight everywhere, having your organs & nerves squished by the little miracle inside of you.  {totally worth it, just not always comfortable.}  so learning to stretch & move & work different muscles to help me more comfortably carry this little baby makes me a much happier momma.  as well as the camaraderie with other pregnant women.  it's nice to hear that all of this crazy stuff you are going through is totally normal.

so thank you, prenatal yoga, for making my pregnancy oh so much better!  & thank you, julie byrd, for convincing me i had to go.

love love,

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