Tuesday, February 19, 2013

love me & bring me treats.

as it turns out, other people like to show love through food too!  last week, i received two packages of food!  & that, my friends, is awesome.

my sister sent me a care package with cookies from the cookie fairy!  they were the original version of vegan mexican hot chocolate cookies.  {i made them here, but totally unveganized them with butter & eggs & whipped cream.}  my version were quite tasty, but, as it turns out, the vegans ones are super delicious too!  even when they are sent through the mail & are a week old.  fantastic job, julie byrd!!

{julie tried the pinterest tip of putting a slice of bread with cookies to keep them moist.
it worked incredibly well.  you can see the moisture.  crazy awesome.}

{she also included bright pink nail polish with my cookies!
& look at the name!  it's perfect!}

blakey spent the latter part of last week in san fransisco for a conference with work.  i was super sad i didn't get to go, as san fran is currently my favorite american city.  {i was pretty sure my manager would kill me if i left work over valentine's day.  sighhh.  but it was the right decision.}  but my wonderful husband brought me back some treats!  a fresh loaf of sourdough bread & cookies!  when we were in san fransisco a couple of years ago, we stopped at boudin sourdough to get a loaf of bread every day we were there.  it was incredibly good.  & i got to enjoy it again!!

love through food.  my favorite.

love love,

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