Wednesday, April 27, 2011

wedding wednesday # 34: one year ago...

the first twenty-five years of my life i dreamed about my wedding day.  the church, the cake, the flowers, the bridesmaids, the dress, the boy.  i dreamt about it being the best day of my life.  & it was the best day of my life, up to that day.

on the day of your wedding, you can not imagine loving this man more than you do at that moment.  but you will.  you will love him even more during each fabulous vacation, each special date, each fun night out with "our" friends.  you will love him even more when he drives you crazy, when you fight about tiny things, when you fight about enormous things.  but you will love him more.  because each day you get to choose to love him.

so now instead of dreaming about the wedding, i get to dream about the marriage.  a good marriage.  a very good marriage.  & that makes every day after the wedding even better than the wedding day.

i love you, kendall, as i love no other.  all that i am, i share with you.  be mine, as i am yours, & i will shield you, trust you, & cleave to you alone.  i take you, kendall, to be my wedded wife; to have & to hold, from this day forward, in sickness & in health, in poverty & in plenty, to love & to cherish, so long as we both shall live.  this is my pledge to you.

i love you, blake, as i love no other.  all that i am, i share with you.  i come to you in confidence & trust.  i now choose you, out of all the world to be my wedded husband; to have & to hold, from this day forward, in sickness & in health, in poverty & in plenty, to love & to cherish, so long as we both shall live.  this is my promise to you.

happy wedding, brides & grooms.  happy marriage, wives & husbands.

love love,

1 comment:

  1. You are both so lucky to have each other, and we are lucky to have you in our family! Love you!
